Dream Team

Serving Opportunities

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Serving Hub


A-Team / Growth Track Host Team
Our team uses the gift of administration to support Impact teams by using computer skills, data entry, and attention to details as well as serve as host for the Growth Track participants, greeting guests and providing materials and assistance to those discovering their next steps at Impact. Primary, Background Check

Arlington Market Pantry
The Arlington Market Pantry through Revitalize Arlington, Inc., and Feeding Northeast Florida host free food distribution on the first and third Saturday of each month. Our goal is to treat our guests with dignity and respect, and to have our guests experience the tangle love of God. Volunteers will assist in a number of roles including set up, guest check-in, packing and sorting food items, placing food items in the trunk of our guests’ vehicles, and breakdown. The efforts of the pantry are volunteer driven so please arrive at 8:30 a.m. and plan to stay until 12:30 p.m., or while supplies last, and when breakdown is complete. Secondary

Audio Team
The Audio Team serves during weekend services as well as during special events as needed, as an extension of the Worship Arts & Production Team.

Baptism Team
Our team will help all those who are ready to take their next step of being Water Baptized by distributing supplies, helping with the check in process and answering any questions they have relating to baptism. Water Baptism takes place on the 1st Sunday of every month. Secondary

Campus Support / Facilities Team
Our team works behind the scenes to maintain and support every area of our church, including baptisms, conferences, and special events. Our team also will facilitate the Impact experience at portable campuses by setting up before service and taking down after service when needed. Primary

Comforters Team
Our team ensures that the needs of parishioners are met during their time of bereavement at all Home Going services. Secondary

Creative Team 
This creative team uses their gifts in the areas of video, web design,
graphics and photography and social media. Primary

Culinary Team
Our team serves to provide meals for the staff and dream team during weekend services, First Wednesdays, and other church events. Primary

Events Team
Our team serves at conferences and church-wide events by setting up decorations and facilitating meals and snacks as well as providing check-in for Dream Teamers. Primary, 18+, Background Check

First Response Team
Our team of health care professionals serve by providing basic medical care in the event of an accident or emergency. Exclusive, Current CPR/First Aid and BLS Certifications

Greeter Team
Our team welcomes people to Impact Church at the front doors and entrances to the auditorium. Primary

IC Merch Team
Our team serves as clerks to provide our guests with a variety of Impact Church branded merchandise. Primary, (Middle School, High School and Young Adults)

Impact Café
Our team serves as baristas to provide our guests the many offerings in our Impact Café. Primary, (Middle School, High School and Young Adults)

Impact Kids
Our team invests in the lives of children through worship, Biblical teaching, video, and games. Primary, Background Check

Impact Outreach 
Our team facilitates serving opportunities through First Saturday Serve projects, Prison Ministry, Revitalize Arlington, and other campus outreach expressions. Primary

Impact Special Services 
Our team serves at Impact’s 11 AM service by providing ASL to those who need it as well as providing specific and intentional care for those with special needs. Primary

Impact Sports
Our team serves as needed for all Impact Sports events and activities. Secondary

Impact Students
Our team invests in the lives of our students from 6th grade to college by getting them connected in Relentless through Sunday services for Middle School, Relentless Nights, games, and more. Primary, Background Check

Impact Worship
Our team facilitates a powerful worship experience through vocals, instruments, and audio engineering. Primary, Audition and Infuse Development Process Required

Next Steps Information Team
Our team helps people identify their next steps by providing resources and information about Services, Baptisms, Small Groups, Growth Track and other events. Primary

Online Campus Team
Our team connects with guests of Impact Church from around the nation and the world through our Online Campus experience with prayer and online conversations on our church website, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. Secondary

Parking Team
Our team serves as the first impression for those coming to Impact by welcoming people on and off the property, and by providing a safe and efficient parking experience. Primary

Prayer & Healing Team
Our team provides prayer covering for services (Sunday Morning & Saturday Morning Prayer), teams and Ministries at Impact. Primary, All Training Provided

Production Team
Our team assists in the production of the overall worship experiences and special events, using video production, video direction, audio/sound reinforcement, live switching and editing, stage design and lighting, etc. Primary

Security Team
Our team serves during services to ensure we have a safe environment. Exclusive, Background Check

Small Group Leadership 
Our team is trained to facilitate Small Groups and equipped to build relationships while helping group members discover their next steps. Primary, Leadership Training

Impact Special ServicesWe serve families with members who have special needs. Once a month on Friday evening we provide caregivers a much-needed break. We also provide interpreted services on Sunday for those who use sign language.

TILT (The Impact Legacy Team)
Our team is an outlet for those who are called and equipped to finance the Kingdom of God and to leave a legacy. The Legacy Team serves our church with the gift of giving. (Romans 12:6-8) Primary or Secondary 

Transportation & Valet Team
Our team picks up and drops off parishioners for Sunday Services and also assures that all parishioners 65 and older or disabled are honored by our team parking their vehicles and bringing them back to the front of the building after service. Primary, (Valid Driver License Required)

Unplugged Team
Our team is the Young Adult Ministry of Impact Church that focuses on 18–25 year olds through meetups, getaways, and small groups. We are looking for people to serve this ministry who have a heart to help young adults in every area of life through relationships and mentoring. Primary

Usher Team
Our team assists people to their seat, facilitates the offering, and helps maintain a distraction-free service environment. Primary

Welcome Center Team
Our team uses their gifts of hospitality to welcome visitors, as well as guests of current members to our church, providing them with the information they will need to experience all that Impact has to offer upon their visit. Primary

Worship Arts Team
Our team uses their gifts to glorify God in our services and special events through drama, dance and even some things behind the scenes. Primary, Dance Audition
